Game Boy Advance homebrew development forum
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Last seen 3 months ago

I think I figured out what "eva" and "evb" stand for (

Exposure Value

I have now cloned the repo linked in your fourth bullet point. All the examples build with no issues in MSYS2. Thanks!

I really appreciate the Newbie Help Zone. It is a lot of pressure working in environments where people expect you to prove that you have read every sentence of every textbook, reference manual, and Google hit in existence on a topic and have tried every possible fix before you are allowed to talk to another human being about an issue you're having.

I constantly have people apologizing to me for not knowing enough and am constantly explaining that there are no stupid questions, and that I'd rather them ask me so I can get them unstuck, instead of them pretending they understand when they don't because they're afraid of looking stupid, being raked over the coals, or googling for hours instead of just picking up the phone and talking to me. I get sick of memorizing where every person sets the bar for when a question is "too stupid" to deserve an answer and decided long ago that for myself, to make sure no ever trips over it, I'm just going to throw the bar away.

I really appreciate that this forum has chosen to do the same, with no such thing as a stupid question, so I can stop worrying about constantly impressing people with my performance so that they are ok with me asking a question when I don’t know something, and get back to developing games.

I suppose PERN is Project for Engineering Reversing of Nintendo too.

Yep, that's definitely it. Lol.

I was able to build the first two makefiles in tonc-code in cygwin (MSYS2 had some trouble finding the arm gcc.)

I've seen quite a few ways that TONC could be improved, so yes a community/updated version would be a very good thing. If people have a bad experience as early as the setup, they may leave the scene and conclude it's a mess.

Who coined this term? Does it mean "cross-boot," or does it have something to do with XBAND? Is it official Nintendo terminology or scene slang?

Definitely not "Tutorial on C"

Does anyone know the exact version of Programmer's Notepad that this page uses?

When I press Alt+1 to build the project, I get the Windows beep sound effect and nothing else happens. So, this is a major blocker.

I tried version and and neither worked.

Maybe the tutorial needs to be updated?